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In this martial arts video tutorial, an instructor teaches you some of the pressure points on the human body. With these pressure points, you can take your opponent down without seriously injuring him ...

This tutorial is made for people who are having trouble learning or have no clue how to go about learning a back complete with a spin. Here's how you spin: initiate the spin by throwing your arm aroun ...

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform Randy Orton's RKO pro wrestling move, which is a variation of the ace cutter. In this video, the RKO is set up by throwing the opponent into the tu ...

To learn the art of Five Animal Kung Fu you need to start the training step by step. Five Animal Kung Fu in Chinese: Ng Ying Kungfu or Ng Ying Kuen was brought out to the public in 1993 by grandmaster ...

Many people within Tai Chi Chuan, Taijiquan are against combining the "internal arts" with harder martial arts like kungfu. Many people say and state that it can destroy your internal martial arts ski ...

Coach pitch is an important part of any child's progression up the baseball and softball ladder. After tee ball, the next step for most young players is participating in a league where the coach pitch ...

This is a video I made, showing you how I wash my bike with minimal water or mess. Enjoy and share, thank you :) ...

If you're a pee wee coach, you know that coaching kids is a tough job. Children can even be more difficult to work with than adults, but it's the best time to shape them into a great sportsman… and to ...

In this tutorial, professional referee, James Armstrong teaches you all about two of the most commonly forgotten rules of basketball. In the NBA, you rarely, if ever, see violations for things like tr ...

You don't need to be a professional sports coach to get your child geared up for basketball season. There's some simple basketball drills anyone can learn and teach to children playing basketball. Eve ...